Archive | September 2015

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Church Memory – St John Presbyterian in Tampa

One day after church a small group of men were standing outside talking.   Manuel Beiro said to my dad “Henry, you are a cracker and I am a Cuban, and we’re going to be friends”.   And they were great friends in their church life and in their personal lives.  Today’s church lacks that friendliness, that […]

Upper Room Devotional – 9/10/2015

Read Isaiah 40:25-31 Thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads in every place the fragrance that comes from knowing him. – 2 Corinthians 2:14 (NRSV) Today’s Devotional The day before our Harvest Festival several sisters from church and I decorated the sanctuary with flowers, berries, […]

Republican Leadership

From the “Tea Party Nation” The Republican Leadership in Washington want Barack Obama’s Iran sanctions deal to go through.  There is absolutely no doubt about that.  Bailout Bob Corker’s bill, which turned the Senate and the Constitution on its head, would not have passed unless the Republican Leadership wanted it to pass. The Republicans are […]

Church Thoughts

As I have grown older – ok ok, old;  I have had a lot of chance to reflect on my Christian life and church preference.   I have a lot of miscellaneous and probably unfinished thoughts on a lot of churchy things.   Fasten your seatbelts and hopefully finish reading this post. Music,  most of todays churches […]

Today’s Generation–Relaxing

I feel that todays kids don’t know how to relax.  Unless they are bellied up to a bar in the local pub or holding one of their devices staring at the screen or just sitting on the couch watching Netflix  – they are not happy.    They do not know how to truly relax.   The […]

A Mom’s Letter To Her Daughter About Miley Cyrus

From “Chicks on the Right”, Wednesdaay 8/28/2015 Written by  Mockarena There’s a letter from a mom to her daughter that’s going all viral like. And it’s no wonder, because it’s awesome. Yes, this is what happens when you constantly hear everything you do is awesome. This is what happens when people fawn over your every […]